Apalabrate. Trucos de Palabras is an application designed to take the fun out of the popular Apalabrados and all other similar word games.
To use it, you just enter the letters that you have in your hand and press the calculate button. A list will then appear, including all the words that can be formed with the letters you have. The list sorts out the words by the number of points they are worth. After all, why think when you have an application that can think for you?
In addition to this, Apalabrate. Trucos de Palabras is capable of forming words that start or end with one or two specific letters. So, not only do you not have to think much - you don't even have to go through the list in order to figure out which word is best.
Apalabrate. Trucos de Palabras is a very useful tool for any cheater. With its help, you can spoil the fun for players of Apalabrados, Scrabble, and all other similar word games while rejoicing in your numerous victories.
I've been playing this type of game for a long time, and now Apalabrados, and I must add that almost everyone who plays uses this kind of tool. This program is the first that is somewhat decent and in...See more